Expert SAT & MCAT Tutoring
Dr. Anthony Krupp
But wait!
Who is Dr. Krupp?
With over 30 years of teaching and tutoring experience and seven teaching awards, I am dedicated to helping students achieve their academic goals. I specialize in standardized test preparation, tailoring my approach to each student’s individual learning style.
Unlike many who adapted to online teaching only during COVID-19, I have been perfecting online tutoring since 2011. My online sessions provide real-time interaction on a shared workspace where we can write, highlight, and save materials as PDFs for easy review—often more effective than traditional face-to-face instruction.
For students near Pompano Beach, FL, I also offer live tutoring and test proctoring. Whether online or in-person, my focus is on making learning accessible and effective for each student.
Are you ready for the
digital exam?
I know this test
inside and out!
College Essay
And after the SAT? I offer targeted assistance with brainstorming and editing college essays.
MCAT CARS & Psych/Soc
Are you feeling
run over by CARS?
AnXiOuS about Psych/Soc?
Before our first meeting, the student takes a practice test. During the session, we focus on questions the student missed and the strategies needed to improve on those sorts of questions. Then, the student takes another practice test, so that we can track improvement as well as identify continuing challenges. We repeat this process until we see the target score!
I send the student an invitation to a Zoom meeting. When we are both in the room, I authorize a screen share such that the student and I are both working within Microsoft One Note. There I have various tests and passages that we can write on, type on, and highlight, as well as a dedicated page of observations for each student. At the end of each session, I save our work as a PDF and email it to the student, so that s/he can review later.
Some tutors are less expensive; others are more expensive. While the price to hire a college or medical student might be much lower, how secure will you feel about getting a good result? I have been teaching adolescents and young adults for over 30 years, have received multiple teaching awards, and have been doing test prep tutoring full time for 7 years. Students who work with me very quickly become the best versions of themselves as test takers. With high scores on the SAT or MCAT, many such students not only get into the universities or medical schools they want to get into, they also get scholarship money.
So what could be the cost of hiring a student, vs. hiring me? This could mean the difference between getting into one college or med school vs. another. This could mean receiving scholarship money vs. not. Hiring a professional like me involves making an investment in your or your child's future. The return on investment is the prize to keep your eyes on!
Dr. Krupp has over 30 years of high school and college teaching experience and 7 teaching awards. He know these tests backwards and forwards.
Yes! I’m happy to offer a 1 Hour consultation for $150.
Email me for scheduling details and Zelle/Venmo information.
I answer all calls, texts, and emails within 24 hours.
+1 786 385 2433